Welcome To Day 1: Your Customer Bullseye


 Some pointers to make today’s challenge a success:

Use the 3-layer who, what why method.

The 3-layer who, what, why method is where you ask yourself either a few or all of these questions 3 times when you’re trying to refine how you’re speaking about your business.

For example, if we take this sample mission statement for my business and dissect it using this method, here’s what we come up with: 

I help entrepreneurs launch or scale their startups. 

Who - I help women-led startups

What - articulate a clear vision

What - and get their companies off the ground. 

Using this method, I end up with: I help women-led startups articulate a clear vision and get their companies off the ground. 

I answered 3 questions (even if they were repeats) about what my current mission statement was trying to say on a deeper level and used that to help me get super specific with my language.