How To Make Investments In Your Business Like Warren Buffet

How To Make Investments In Your Business Like Warren Buffet


There’s a clear difference between investing when the time is right and investing when the timing is wrong. You obviously don’t want to do the second.

Social pressure and wanting a quick fix can easily manipulate you into hitting purchase before you’re truly ready to make an investment in your business.

I’ve made this mistake a handful of times, so I’ve become a pro at sniffing out when the timing isn’t right for me.

If you’re wondering if that product, coach, or workshop that you’re eyeing with that killer Black Friday price right now is right for you, read on.

You Found A Hockey Stick

If after receiving a taster, you’ve found that *thing* — a strategy, a marketing channel, a thought leader, platform, etc. that is already creating amazing traction for your business after just trying out a sample of the product, then it sounds like you’ve found a hockey stick.

Hockey stick growth is accomplished when some event, strategy, person is introduced to the business and creates a turning point that results with rapid growth for the business.

If you find and experience a potential hockey stick and the results are extremely promising with very little effort, it’s time to invest in that hockey stick and see how high your growth can go.

You’re On Fire For Change

Taking a quantum leap in your business is 110% mental — wouldn’t you agree?

If you’re not mentally on fire and excited to implement a specific change for your business, then no amount of handholding is going to make you do it. You need the foundational desire to change otherwise change won’t happen for you.

If you’re mentally in a place where you’re fired up and ready for a change, step up and take advantage of that — invest while the coals are hot.

Sales Ceiling

This is an obvious one, but I don’t think it hurts for someone who needs to hear this to hear it again.

If you’re currently hitting a sales ceiling and you

a) have no idea how to get past it

b) have no idea what’s causing it

c) all of the above

then you need to decide whether you want to change that.

Some people are completely fine with hitting a sales ceiling because they financially feel comfortable, so the key here is understanding if that sales ceiling is ok for you or if it really bothers you.

If it bothers you, the only way to get rid of this ceiling is by investing in a crew that’ll help you get rid of it.

You’re Getting Tired

If you’re exhausted by everything that falls on your shoulders for your business — from product creation, marketing and sales, to processing customer service emails — don’t let this get insane.

Because the moment that your to-do list reaches a breaking point is when your business starts leaking quality and dropping the ball on key things.

Instead of waiting till you feel completely overwhelmed, start thinking about how best you can invest in bringing extra team members onboard and offload some of your daily responsibilities.

A huge perk from this move is that you’ll have more time to spend on things like sales which will produce a tangible boost for your business.

I send Friday emails that’ll turn your startup chase into a victory lap. Sign up here if that’s where you’re heading.

Sophia Sunwoo