How To Become An Entrepreneur Jedi
How To Become An Entrepreneur Jedi
Wisdom found amongst the entrepreneurs we admire, and the traits we can adopt to become them.
Chester Wade
Have you ever met an entrepreneur you really look up to? Where everything they say lights you up and resonates with you on a deep level? This is someone who drops knowledge that has a transformational impact on you or brings immense clarity to whatever challenge you have at the moment.
I call this person an Entrepreneur Jedi. Maybe a splash of Yoda in there too.
An Entrepreneur Jedi is someone who is all wisdom, no bullsh*t. They’re the epitome of elevated consciousness, success, and you’re always on the edge of your seat when they have something to say. Their command of a room is magnetic and you eagerly wait for them to drop their next nugget of wisdom.
There’s a lot to learn from the Entrepreneur Jedi, particularly about how they’ve crafted their career, their businesses, and the way they approach strategy in a masterful way.
Witnessing the Entrepreneur Jedi teaches you who you need to be in order to become the best version of yourself. Observing them closely also reveals the ways in which advanced entrepreneurs create, and what makes their creations so different from everyone else’s. If you study them long enough, they reveal the secrets of hitting entrepreneurial nirvana.
The ways that Entrepreneur Jedis move through business-building is starkly different from other entrepreneurs. This contrast is why they’re the best at what they do.
By observing them, they teach you how to overcome your biggest challenges and attain the success that you desire. Learning from them is the key to self-mastery, in my opinion.
For you to learn from, and to work on emulating — here are the key differences you’ll find in an Entrepreneur Jedi and the lessons they have to share.
Elegantly Simple Businesses
One thing you don’t see within the businesses of Entrepreneur Jedis — complex revenue models, communications, or wildly intricate product and service structures.
Advanced entrepreneurs usually always have very simple business models, elegantly so.
They know that a business that works best is one that’s easy to pitch, so that it’s ultimately easier to sell. They’re stubborn about clear communication, pitches that are stupidly simple, and they don’t feel the need to release something with a ton of bells and whistles.
This is actually an insanely difficult state of nirvana to reach — to be so confident in what you’ve created that like a true artist, you don’t feel like you need to add another paint stroke to make the piece stand out. You are comfortable with whatever the final product needs to look like to be attractive, without your ego infiltrating that experience for the purpose of looking shiny and important.
Complexity within business models are usually a cover-up for insecurity or a lack of experience. Entrepreneur Jedis know this and seek laser-focused clarity when they build their businesses.
Master Synthesizers
Entrepreneur Jedis have a very distinct communication style. They’re succinct. Some of them don’t even talk unless they have something important to say. They don’t feel the need to seek attention or take up space and are incredibly intentional about how they show up.
You don’t ever hear them ramble when they talk about their business. Their pitches are short and powerful, and they can say more in a 2-minute statement than someone less experienced with 10 minutes of airtime.
They can cut out the fat mercilessly in anything they communicate and their filtration always gets to the heart of what you need to hear. They are not only devilishly good communicators, they’re also masterful synthesizers of information and spit out wisdom bombs like Yoda.
Entrepreneur Jedis take communication very seriously and respect its distinct phases — from listening, information processing, to communicating their assessments in a fashion that will be meaningful to the audience at hand. They are serious practitioners of good communication and synthesizing information, and do everything they can to continuously improve these skills on a daily basis.
Knowing Their Brand
Entrepreneur Jedis spend the least time talking, most time observing, and end up spitting out some insanely wise one-liner at the end of it. They are the mic drop person everywhere they go.
The key thing they do that’s different from most is that they spend a lot of time listening and observing. They let others do the talking and fill up air time communicating what their opinions are. Jedis absorb all that information and offer only what they can uniquely offer: the elevated insight.
They understand that anyone can offer an opinion and rattle off the first thing that comes to their minds. Jedis fully understand themselves and their unique offering to the world — they know who they are as a “brand” and deliver on only that.
They don’t make the commentary that they know will just add to the noise, they mold the conversation through strong insights so that everyone’s commentary actually possesses meaning afterward.
They’re the nightcap to the evening’s conversation and the closing statement that perfectly offers the guidance we were all looking for.
Patience For The Slow Boil
The most admirable trait of the Entrepreneur Jedi is their ability to exercise patience. When they have a new business in the works, they don’t feel an intense urgency to put a deadline on it and release it right away.
They are lovers of the slow boil, immensely respectful of the beauty that unravels when you let a good idea develop at its own pace. The source of their patience is simply this — a detachment from the ego of releasing a grand idea in order to flex their creation muscles.
They don’t feel the need to release a new business with fireworks and applause. They release the business when everything feels right in its own time.
When an experienced entrepreneur does this, the benefits are immense — you see a business that’s acutely tuned in to what its customer wants, helping the business develop a product that provokes delight, awe, and cult-level fandom.
I love writing thoughtful, personal Friday morning emails called The Crux to help entrepreneurs turn their startup chase into a victory lap. Join here to get my best musings in your inbox.